Purification preparation system
Brand and Model: Cytiva, ÄKTA pure 25
Description: The ÄKTA Pure 25 is a modular bioinert purification system designed for precise protein and biomolecule separation. It can be adapted to different research requirements and operate at ambient and cold temperatures to 5 ºC.
Technical Specifications:
- Equipped with two dual piston pumps with titanium tips enabling gradient capacity
- The acceptable flow range is 0.001–25 ml/min, with a pressure range up to 20 MPa (200 bar)
- Dual UV detector (260/280 nm), conductivity (0.01–999.99 mS/cm) with a pH probe option
- F9-R fraction collector enabling fraction collection in different types of tubes and plates
- Other capabilities
- Adapted to work at low temperature (5 ºC)
- Compatible with external detectors and automatic injector.
Location: Laboratory 4, 1st floor INAGEA – Biochemistry Labca
Supervisor: Sebastià Capó Bauçà
Phone: 971 25 9729